Bonjour from International Space University!

Elizabeth's journal about her experience at International Space University in Strasbourg, France. Read on to find out what she did...

Friday, July 07, 2006

Long night, so few words :)

The lectures were interesting this morning. We had economic rationales for space activities, principles of international space law, and business structures and planning. In the afternoon I had another team skills workshop where I was elected along with a girl named Theres to lead the first team project meeting next week. It's going to be some additional work, but I think I will enjoy it. The US students spent the entire night working on our culture presentation, which will take place tomorrow. It's slowly coming together, so we'll see how it goes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on being first team project meeting co-lead. Looks like your team recognizes your strengths. I hope the rest of the world enjoys the US culture presentation. Let us know how it turns out. Maybe you can catch up on some sleep Sunday. I checked out the schedule on the ISU web site. It is one packed day after another of great sounding programs.


2:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Sweetie!
Everything sounds high-paced and challenging. Be sure and find time to sleep! We're gearing up for vacation Bible school to begin on Monday. I'm helping with the 3-5 year olds. Had to make "homemade" play dough today. Sure brings back memories! Miss you...Love, MOM

8:59 PM  
Blogger Jenny Deitz said...

Hey Elizabeth!

I'm so glad to see all these updates! I know things are still settling there but know you are thought of and prayed for. Is there anything specific I can be praying about? I gave Ross his card today which produced a rather large smile on his face! I am here for you if you need anything!! Happy Birthday week;)

1:11 PM  

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